Description and history
This is an original oil painting signed on bottom right Tripp.
First of all, we employed our image recognition tools to perform a search and see if this painting is a reproduction, the results are showed below:
There isn’t any similar painting reported, so we can affirm this painting is totally original.
To research the artist, we will use the signature. The surname is Tripp, and here is a list of listed artist with this surname:
B Wilson Tripp
20th century | Rhode Island | Painting
Brian Tripp
Born 1945 | California | Abstract, some Indian symbolic
Candice Tripp
Born 1985 | England | Urban art |
FD Tripp
1880’s | Kansas | Photography
Fred Tripp
20th century | Wisconsin, Missouri | Flag painting
Herbert Alker Tripp
1883 – 1954 | United Kingdom | Railway posters | $$ | 15 lots
Irving Tripp
1921 – 2009 | New York | Comic illustrator | $$ | 10 lots
Jan Peter Tripp
Born 1945 | Germany | Painting | $$ | 39 lots
Lyman Winfield Scott Tripp
1861 – 1946 | Massachusetts | Glass decorator, landscape and still life painter
Otis Tripp
1905 – 1976 | Massachusetts | Painting | $ | 2 lots
Russell Tripp
United States | Painting | $ | 4 lots
Sir Herbert Alker Tripp
1883 – 1954 | United Kingdom | Painting | $$ | 15 lots
William H Tripp
Born 1836 | California | Teaching Art
Wilson B Evan Tripp
Born 1896 | United States
From the list, the first cadidate is Candice Tripp, but the style doesn’t match. Dione Tripp used a different signature, DIONE. Another option is Stella Tripp, however the style doesn’t match and she is in the UK, you can see her website here:
With all this information, and as the artist isn’t listed, we can conclude that this was painted by either an amateur artist or a street artist. This is, indeed, quite common, and happends in aproximately 30% of global appraisal reports.
This piece is a nice artwork, hand painted, original oil painting that has a considerable value.
Appraisal Value (US$)
– 150-200$
How to sell it
Art pieces are difficult to sell, you will need some time to find a buyer, so be patient!
To sell the items, I would recommend doing so through the internet. You have plenty of options, for instance:
– Ebay, Craiglist, Etsy, Facebook ads, Amazon marktplace
I would probably go ahead and take a couple of good pictures, like described here:
Then I would use the provided description as a text to the ad, and an attractive ad title will make it.
There isn’t any special difference between selling it on Etsy, FB or Amazon. I would recommend to upload the same ad to at least two or three platforms. It will ensure a high visibility of the ad.
The asking price can be close to the value, it depends upon how fast you want to sell. In general, an agressive strategy of 20% price cut will work great, however it depends upon your specific location.
About the valuation method
To value this item I have considered the results from past auction sales. Keep in mind that the final price can be different from asking prices that you can find on the internet. You can see ads on the internet with different asking prices. However, a very high asking price doesn’t normally find cash from a buyer.
That’s why our method comprises searching and comparing similar past sale results that had a buyer. That’s why we can provide an accurate estimation of this item.
For art pieces, remember that it isn’t the same a print, a limited edition print or an original art piece. If the artist can’t be identified, the value assigned corresponds to the quality and potential interest of the market for the painting.